
The simplest type of a capillary optics is the X-ray guide, a cylindrically shaped monocapillary. It collimates the X-ray beam and limits the divergence angle at the monocapillary exit to the critical angle of total reflection. In comparison to a pinhole an X-ray guide enhances the intensity on the sample surface considerably. X-ray guides are manufactured with different capillary diameters and capillary lengths in accordance with their application. Additionally they can be equipped by aligned pinholes.

1.1.1. 1 enX-Ray guide


X-Ray guiding system for XRD, µXRD, XRF and µXRF

1.1.1. 2 en

Source - entrance distance f1, mm    > 10
Capillary diameter d1*, µm 10 ... 1000
Length l**, mm 94, 135, 165, 173, 191, 210, 230
Energy range, keV 1 ... 30
Optimal source size, mm 0.02 ... 1.0
Housing diameter dmax***, mm 7, 10, 16
Intensity gain 3 ... 10

* Combination with exit pinhole possible

** other lengths on request

*** other housing diameters on request