
With a parabolic X-ray capillary it is possible to focus a parallel beam into a small spot or to parallelise a divergent beam from an X-ray source placed at the focal point. A parabolic X-ray monocapillary is an imaging single-bounce system. The spot size is not only determined by the manufacturing precision of the optics but also by the properties of the X-ray source.

1.1.3. 1 encollimating parabolic monocapillary

1.1.3. 2 enfocussing parabolic monocapillary


Focussing system for micro-XRD, micro-XRF and synchrotron radiation

1.1.3. 3 en

Technical Parameters Parabolic Monocapillary

Focal distance f, mm    > 10
Entrance diameter D1, µm    50 ... 3000
Exit diameter D2, µm 50 ... 2000
Length l, mm > 20
Energy range, keV XUV-30
Optimal source size, µm >
Focal spot size, µm > 10
Housing diameter, mm > 7
Intensity gain > 50