Inline Measuring Systems
Whether you need to do 100% testing or automated material analysis for random sampling in a running production line: Fischer has the right measurement instrument for your specific application. All of our instruments are designed for fast and accurate measurement directly in the production process. Fischer's X-ray fluorescence instruments allow seamless integration within a variety of production environments via different interfaces.
One instrument, three job descriptions: not only is the flexible XAN®500 a handheld XRF device, it also converts into a desktop unit and can be integrated into production lines.
X-RAY 4000
Inline measurement system for strip electroplating or coil coatings. Seamless integration in the production process and quality management system.
X-RAY 5000
X-ray fluorescence instrument as modular unit for integration in manufacturing plants, for example on a traversing beam. Ideally suited for the measurement of thin layers on large surfaces.