With the modular X-ray source iMOXS (IfG Modular X-ray Source), you can easily extend the functions of your scanning electron microscope (SEM). iMOXS uses the existing detector of the electron microscope and can be combined at little expense with all current types of SEM by means of the selected flange. Between the SEM's electron source and the additional X-ray source, you can investigate samples with X-ray fluorescence analysis and electron beam microanalysis using a single device. By drawing on the advantages of both methods, you can detect elements in small concentrations with very high resolution.
- Modular design: X-ray tubes and X-ray optics can be easily adapted to specific requirements
- Uncomplicated operation: measurement position is easily adjusted and visible via the SEM monitor
- Easily installed on all current atomic force microscopes with selected flange
- Suited to the analysis of structures up to 10 µm: the high quality polycapillary optics focus X-rays on a small measurement area.
- Below-the-surface inspection: even materials that are significantly below the surface can be measured
- SEM mapping: fast overview of the elemental composition of a sample; finds elements that are hidden to the SEM
- Fault analysis, testing of material failures and material fatigue
- Material analysis directly in the SEM, for example determination of the Si and Zn proportions in aluminum alloys
- Forensic analyses
- Proof of trace elements in the ppm range
- Detection of heavy elements (Z > 18)