
The main application of the instruments from the XAN® range is coating thickness measurement and analysis of gold and other precious-metal alloys. Products in this range stand out through their ease of use and advantageous price-performance ratio. In addition, detectors, apertures and filters can be adapted according to requirements, so that the optimal measurement instrument is available for every material composition.


  • Simple operation and optimal price-performance ratio, by virtue of deploying only those functions that are of most importance for gold and precious metals.
  • Fast and simple positioning of the samples by measuring from bottom to top
  • Flexible in use: various types of instrument tailored to typical requirements in the respective sectors
  • Non-destructive coating thickness measurement and elemental analysis


Coating Thickness Measurement

  • Precious metal coatings as thin as a few nm
  • Fashion jewelry: analysis of modern multi-layer systems used as a substitute for nickelous materials

Material Analysis

  • Determination of the composition and purity of gold jewelry, watches and coins
  • High-resolution analysis of the composition of precious-metal alloys
  • General material analysis in laboratories, testing institutes and universities